Topic: Novel Coronavirus, Trade and Business (including licenses) | Posted By: aphillip
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 8:13pm
El Gabinete de las Islas Vírgenes aprobó las siguientes empresas para operar durante la reapertura gradual el lunes 27 de abril a medida que la economía del territorio se reinicia internamente.
Topic: Novel Coronavirus, The Public Service | Posted By: aphillip
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 7:35pm
Deputy Governor of the Virgin Islands, Mr. David D. Archer, Jr. has announced through a Circular released to Public Officers that the Public Service will physically open on Monday, May 4.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 2:26pm
El Primer Ministro y Ministro de Finanzas, Honorable Andrew A. Fahie, ha pedido al público que sea compasivo y no discrimine a las personas que dieron positivo por COVID-19, o que pueden estar en cuarentena o aisladas.
Topic: E-Commerce, Novel Coronavirus, Trade and Business (including licenses) | Posted By: aphillip
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 12:52pm
The Cabinet of the Virgin Islands has approved the following businesses to operate during the phased re-opening on Monday, April 27 as the Territory’s economy reboots internally.
Residents of the Virgin Islands are being urged to adapt to the ‘new regular’ as the restricted and gradual internal reopening of the BVI continues in light of COVID-19.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 12:20pm
Residents of the Virgin Islands are now encouraged to wear masks in addition to implementing other measures such as social distancing and hand washing.
Topic: Health Services, Novel Coronavirus, Social Services | Posted By: aphillip
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 11:03am
El Primer Ministro y Ministro de Finanzas, Honorable Andrew A. Fahie, dijo que el Gabinete ha extendido el plazo de inscripción hasta el 25 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. para personas que necesitan comida.