E.g., 28 Jul 2024
E.g., 28 Jul 2024

Cabinet Decisions - Meetings of 9th and 13th December, 2019

Tuesday, 24 December 2019 - 9:45am

His Excellency the Governor Augustus Jaspert chaired the Meeting held on 9th December, 2019, which was held at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.

Remarks by his Excellency the Governor, Augustus J. U. Jaspert - Catch Up with the Governor

Tuesday, 17 December 2019 - 3:35pm

Good morning all. A particular welcome to members of the media.  As we are nearing the end of the year, I wanted to take the opportunity to look back and reflect a little on the past year and also look forwards a little to 2020.  

Remarks by Honourable Carvin Malone During The Swearing In Ceremony As Deputy Premier Of The Virgin Islands

Tuesday, 17 December 2019 - 2:53pm

Your Excellency Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert; Premier, Minister for Finance & District 1 Representative, Hon. Andrew A. Fahie; Minister for Natural Resources, Work Force Development and Immigration and District 9 Representative; Hon. Vincent O. Wheatley; Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities and District 5 Representative; Hon. Kye M. Rymer; Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture and District 7 Representative,  Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley; Jr. Minister for Tourism & Territorial At-Large Representative, Hon. Sharie B. de Castro; My wife & Minister of Home Affairs, Mrs. Pernis A. Malone; family members and all gathered here; good morning.

House Of Assembly Statement By Honourable Carvin Malone: Update on Incinerator Repairs

Tuesday, 17 December 2019 - 2:41pm

Mister Speaker, I am grateful for this opportunity to provide a further update to the people of this Territory on the status of repairs to the Solid Waste Incinerator plant at Pockwood Pond, Tortola.

Remarks Honourable Vincent O. Wheatley at Belonger and Residency Ceremony

Tuesday, 17 December 2019 - 12:01pm

A pleasant Good Day to each and every one of you.  I want to begin by first congratulating all the persons who will be receiving certificates of Residency and of Belonger Status here today.

Cabinet Decisions - Meeting of 29th November, 2019

Tuesday, 17 December 2019 - 11:35am

His Excellency the Acting Governor David Archer, Jr. chaired the Meeting held on 29th November, 2019, in the absence of Governor Augustus Jaspert, who was overseas on personal leave. The Meeting was held at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.

Remarks by Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie On Renewable Energy Coming to Anegada

Thursday, 12 December 2019 - 5:07pm

I have learned that you had a fruitful trip to one of our prized jewels—Anegada yesterday. Anegada is the home to Lobster Festival, striking coral reefs and relaxation.

Remarks By Premier And Minister Of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie During The BVI Digital Economy Symposium

Tuesday, 3 December 2019 - 11:47am

We held a Business Solutions Forum that brought business stakeholders from various sectors of the economy and key Government agencies together in the same room to find solutions and resolutions. We were setting the stage for today and the future—to create a new Golden Age for the BVI hinged on greening the BVI agenda.

Cabinet Decisions - 13th and 22nd November, 2019

Monday, 2 December 2019 - 2:17pm

His Excellency the Governor Augustus Jaspert chaired the Meeting held on 13th November, 2019, which was held at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.

Remarks By Premier And Minister Of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie During The Business Solutions Forum

Tuesday, 26 November 2019 - 1:55pm

It is time to wake up the slumbering giant and the elephant in the room for the BVI is on the move. Recovery has its place. Delivery has its place. And, we are moving forward towards greening the BVI in 2020.
