P.O. Box 627
East End, Tortola
Virgin Islands (British) VG1120
The Prison Service is responsible for the safe custody of all persons committed by the courts, to this end His Majesty’s Prison provides many roles for the community. It is a prison, young offenders institute, juvenile detention centre, remand centre and immigration removal facility rolled into one. With such a varied remit in custodial terms we have to provide an extensive range of services to those in our care. It is our responsibility to deliver in two main areas, Public Protection and Reducing Re-Offending. The Virgin Islands Prison Service serves the public by helping prisoners to lead law abiding and useful lives in custody and after release, it is our duty to treat them with both dignity and humanity.
A progressive organization that has the trust and confidence of the public, His Majesty’s Prison will help protect the Virgin Islands by:
- Ensuring compliance and providing supervision for people incarcerated and involved in community outreach programs;
- Working with offenders to facilitate change by developing pro- social behavior; and
- Working with the community and other stakeholders to provide opportunities for reintegration.
To contribute to a safer Virgin Islands by providing a safe, secure, humane and effective prison system with opportunities for rehabilitation, personal development, reintegration and community engagement to reduce re-offending.
Core Values
The prison service provides numerous opportunities for prisoners to engage with staff and partner agencies to reduce their risk of re-offending and become productive members of society. We offer:
- Adult Basic Education
- Vocational training - tailoring, woodwork and food handling
- Computer skills programs
- Farming
- Access to college and CXC exams
- Library services
- Hobby shop
There is an extensive list of offending behavior programmes also available:
- Substance misuse
- Anger management
- Houses of Healing
- Just Think
- Partners for peace
- A few good men
- Family Man
- Man Up
Separately and pending release we have a resettlement programme in partnership with the BVI Prison Fellowship entitled “Waiting at the Gates”.
Prisoners undergo a full sentence planning process fully assessing their risk of harm and re-offending, allowing staff to direct the most necessary interventions to each prisoner.
Finally, the prison is working with the Ministry of Communication and Works, private partners, The Ministry of Health and Social Development, RVIPF and the Court Services to introduce restorative justice to the Virgin Islands. We have had great success so far in delivering alternatives to custody for first time juvenile and young offenders, and also community pay back and work release schemes for risk assessed adults.
What's Happening Within Our Department?
UK-Backed Support Strengthens HM Prison Service in the Virgin Islands |
5 Dec 2024 - 4:30pm
His Majesty's Prison Celebrates Learning Achievements |
7 Jun 2024 - 5:22pm
Prison Inmates Complete Life Skills Reintegration Programme |
4 Jun 2024 - 11:49am
His Majesty’s Prison Officers Complete Training In Bermuda |
19 Apr 2024 - 2:52pm
HM Prison Hosts First Ever Inmates Debate |
26 Feb 2024 - 4:40pm
Prison Visiting Committee Engage In Training And Orientation |
16 Feb 2024 - 3:18pm
Office Of Gender Affairs And HM Prison Discuss Gender-Focused Initiatives |
9 Feb 2024 - 12:52pm
Honourable Wheatley Supports Prison Rehabilitation Initiatives |
2 Feb 2024 - 4:05pm
UK Prison Service Training Deployment To HM Virgin Islands Prison Service |
22 Dec 2023 - 1:01pm
His Majesty’s Prison Receives New Vehicle |
22 Aug 2023 - 10:20am

Department Contact Information
To make contact with His Majesty's Prison, see below for contact information:
His Majesty's Prison
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Visitation Hours: Tuesday or Thursday 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Convicted Visits: Saturday or Sunday 8:30 am and 12:00 pm; 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Legal Visits: Monday - Friday (appointments only)
Telephone: 1(284) 468-6318
Visits Booking Line: 1(284) 468-6342 or 1(284) 468-6343
Fax: 1(284) 468-6300