Press Release

Ministry of Health & Social Development
His Majesty’s Prison
Education, Prisons
Release Date:
Friday, 7 June 2024 - 5:22pm

A ‘Reward and Recognition Service’ was recently held for staff at His Majesty’s Prison who completed over 1300 learning hours since the start of the year.

The learning hours included Officer Safety, First Aid, Prison Officer Entry Level Training, and Supervisory Management Training. This significant milestone of learning hours, reached midway through the calendar year, reflects a concerted effort by the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the prison to increase training for officers.

Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Social Development Ms. Tasha Bertie addressed the attendees at the event and stated that the achievement not only indicates progress for the Prison Service but also provides a platform for the institution to meet some of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) Justice Review Inspection.

Ms. Tasha Bertie who was accompanied by Acting Human Resources Manager, Mrs. Wanda Walters expressed pleasure at the work being done by the prison to ensure staff is properly trained to meet the ever changing needs of the its services.

The Acting Permanent Secretary said, "It's a pleasure to attend events such as this that celebrate staff achievements. Superintendent Kendall and our ministry have worked in collaboration to offer a number of training and development opportunities, aligning with the Government's mission to provide guided learning hours to each public officer. I was pleased to see the prison's 'You Said, We Did' initiative, whereby they communicated a number of important achievements following feedback received back in November 2023."

Meanwhile, Superintendent Jay Kendall expressed pride in the team's dedication to self-improvement and skill development.

Mr. Kendall said, "We are on a mission of change and improvement, working hard to change the narrative surrounding the prison into a positive one of teamwork, professionalism, public service, and rehabilitation. The objectives we have achieved so far provide a head-start on addressing the COI Justice Review Inspection recommendations, which is a positive development.”

The Superintendent thanked the Permanent Secretary and her team, His Excellency the Governor and his team, his colleagues in the Ministry of Justice Overseas Justice Programme team, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, and the BVI Red Cross for helping the prison to achieve its development goals.

“Their support has been invaluable in our training endeavours. Together, we strive to enhance safety, security, public protection, decency, rehabilitation, good governance, and our people’s development objectives,” Mr. Kendall said.

Another highlight of the event was the recognition of a Principal Officer retiring after 38 years of dedicated service to the Crown and the Virgin Islands. Mr Kendall said the officer’s long-standing commitment exemplifies the dedication found within the Virgin Islands Prison Service.

Additionally, Ms. Evetha Simmons-Ogunsakin was congratulated on her recent promotion to Principal Prison Officer. The Matron in charge of the female section, Ms. Jacqueline Lake-Bell, presented Ms. Ogunsakin with her rank epaulettes and expressed her excitement that this achievement marked the first female manager grade on a permanent basis at HM Prison Balsam Ghut.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development through His Majesty’s Prison remains committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development, enhancing the resilience and capacity of its officers, and ultimately contributing to a safer and more rehabilitative environment.


Fitsroy Randall

Information Officer I
Ministry of Health and Social Development
Vornicia's House of Commerce, Long Bush
Tortola, British Virgin Islands
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