Sixteen year old year (16) old Hunter joins us from Romney Park, West End. Hunter, a senior at the St. George’s Secondary School recognised her ability to sing during church performances.
Twenty-nine 29 year old Dwight hails from Grove Hill, East End. At first glance, Dwight may give the impression that he is a shy person, but when you see him on stage in his element singing for the honour and glory of God, you realise he is far from shy.
A resident of Sea Cow’s Bay, 23 year old Yohance recognised his singing ability while participating in his Church’s youth choir at the tender age of eight.
Dwain Frett, 28, hails from Fat Hog’s Bay. Although he cannot quite recall exactly when his vocal abilities developed, he acknowledges that he has always had a love for singing and performing.
Students from the Youth Empowerment Programme( YEP) are featured as they spent a day at Government House as part of His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert’s community outreach programme.