Statement By The Director Of The National Parks Trust Dr. Cassander Titley-O’Neal On The National Parks Trust Of The Virgin Islands

Thursday, 27 August 2020 - 12:35pm

As a Territory, we have all been in the fight against COVID-19 together from late March to date, and we will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The Trust and the Board recognises the value of its employees and their invaluable contributions to the operations of the Trust, especially in this time of uncertainty and constant change.

Trade Department To Process Trade Licences Remotely

Wednesday, 26 August 2020 - 3:52pm

The public is advised that the Department of Trade, Investment Promotion and Consumer Affairs will process all trade licences remotely as a result of the Imposition of Curfew No. 28 Order, 2020.

Implementation of Health and Safety Protocols at Cargo Ports

Wednesday, 26 August 2020 - 2:42pm

The British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (BVIPA) would like to inform the public of the implementation of health and safety protocols at our cargo ports. In keeping with the Government of the Virgin Islands’ COVID-19 protocols and with the safety of our team, customers and stakeholders in mind, effective August 26th 2020 the following procedures will be employed.

BVI Post Announces New Operating Hours

Wednesday, 26 August 2020 - 2:25pm

The Post Master General advises that due to the Imposition of Curfew Order (No. 28), 2020, effective Thursday, August 27............

PWD Gas Pump Station Hours Of Operation

Wednesday, 26 August 2020 - 11:56am

Government offices are being advised  that the Public Works Department (PWD) gas pump station hours effective today, Wednesday, August 26, 2020..........

Office Of The Deputy Governor New Operating Hours

Tuesday, 25 August 2020 - 7:37pm

he Office of the Deputy Governor is informing the public of its new office hours effective Wednesday, 26th August ......

Cheques Available For Pick Up At Treasury Department August 25

Tuesday, 25 August 2020 - 7:25pm

The public is being informed that cheques can be collected at the Treasury Department from 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26.


Tuesday, 25 August 2020 - 2:15pm

Buenas tardes a todos,

Sé que los anuncios de que tenemos más casos de COVID-19, lo que significa que el Territorio ahora está clasificado con "grupos de casos", será de gran preocupación para todos. Se está realizando un seguimiento intensivo de contactos y más pruebas. Los kits de prueba, el equipo de laboratorio y la máquina de prueba rápida suministrados por el Reino Unido contribuyen a la velocidad a la que se puede hacer esto.

Statement By His Excellency The Governor Augustus Jaspert On Covid-19 Curfew

Tuesday, 25 August 2020 - 1:07pm

Good Afternoon All,

I know that the announcements that we have further cases of Covid-19 meaning the Territory is now classified as having ‘clusters of cases’ will be of great concern to everyone. Intensive contact tracing and further testing is underway. The test kits, lab equipment and rapid testing machine supplied by the UK are contributing to the speed at which this can be done.

Closure Of Port Facilities Due To Tropical Storm Laura

Friday, 21 August 2020 - 5:08pm

The public is notified of the British Virgin Islands Ports Authority’s (BVIPA) closure for the following port facilities today, August 21.
