Statement By Minister For Communications And Works On Road Works Update

Thursday, 12 March 2015 - 1:15pm

Madam Speaker, during the last sitting of this Honourable House, I provided a comprehensive update, on the Government’s plans, to improve the quality of the road network throughout the Territory.

It is quite evident and I am pleased to report, Madam Speaker, that, significant progress has been made since then, as we continue to design and execute works, on Tortola, Anegada, Virgin Gorda and Jost Van Dyke.

Statement By Minister For Communications And Works On Energy Update

Thursday, 12 March 2015 - 1:00pm

Madam Speaker, I am pleased to report to this Honourable House today, that significant progress is being made to improve the stability of the Territory’s electricity supply.

The Government recently signed an agreement to undertake Phase V of the BVI Electricity Corporation’s Power Development Plan.

Statement By Minister For Communications And Works On Cruise Pier Project Update

Thursday, 12 March 2015 - 1:00pm

Madam Speaker, the physical landscape of Wickham’s Cay 1, is being transformed in a very significant way right before our very eyes, with the construction of the expanded Cruise Ship Pier and Landside Development.

By the end of this year, 2015, Madam Speaker, every Virgin Islander and visitor to these islands, will be extremely proud, of what the Government has been able to accomplish with this project.

Premier Smith On Financial Services Industry Report

Thursday, 12 March 2015 - 11:30am

Madam Speaker,

With your kind permission, I wish to make a statement on a study which my Government undertook in relation to our financial services sector. 

Much of what I say here is largely outlined in the foreword of the report entitled “Building on a Thriving and Sustainable Financial Services Sector”.

Minister Skelton on BVI Health Services Authority New Fee Schedule

Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 2:30pm

Madame Speaker, I rise to bring clarity to the recently implemented Fee Schedule for services delivered by the BVI Health Services Authority, and to allay any fears regarding our people’s continued ability to access affordable healthcare here at home.

Minister Vanterpool on Road Improvement Works

Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 2:30pm

Madam Speaker, permit me to present this update to this Honourable House on road improvement works, as this Government continues to improve the quality of the road network throughout the Territory.

Minister Vanterpool on Water Distribution Network

Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 2:30pm

Madam Speaker, the Water and Sewerage Department aims to provide a consistent and reliable supply of potable water to consumers in the Virgin Islands.

Minister Vanterpool on National Sewerage Programme

Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 2:30pm

Madam Speaker, barring any unforeseen delays, projects under the National Sewerage Programme - East End/Long Look and Road Town, Tortola - are expected to be completed by the end of this year 2015.

Minister Vanterpool on Cruise Pier Project Update

Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 2:30pm

Madam Speaker, members of the public would have noticed a flurry of activity taking place at the cruise ship dock area on Wickham’s Cay in Road Town, since the middle of last year, 2014.

Minister Vanterpool on Caribbean Development Bank Loan Funded Projects

Thursday, 12 February 2015 - 2:15pm

Madam Speaker, I am pleased to report that Government is steadily advancing works under the Caribbean Development Bank CDB Loan Funded Projects, to rehabilitate the roads, drains and bridges infrastructure throughout the Territory.
