Vital Statistics of the British Virgin Islands 2010-2017 |
This table represents the vital statistics of the British Virgin Islands 2010-2017.
Labour Force by Nationality 2010-2015 |
This table shows the labour force in the BVI by nationality for 2010-2015.
Labour Force Average Earnings by Age Group 2010-2015 |
This table shows the average earnings of persons who work in the BVI by their age group.
Labour Force Average Earnings by Marital Status 2010-2015 |
This table shows the average earnings of persons who work in the BVI by their marital status.
Foreign Labour by Industry 2010-2015 |
This table shows the number of persons of foreign nationality employed in the BVI by industry.
Employment by Industry 2010-2015 |
This table shows the total number of persons employed in the BVI by industry.
Employment Statistics 2010-2015 |
This table shows various selected essential statistics on employment in the British Virgin Islands.
Price Per Gallon for Unleaded Gasoline 2017 (January - December) |
This table shows the average monthly price per gallon of unleaded gasoline for 2017 (January - December).
Price Per Gallon for Diesel 2017 (January - December) |
This table shows the average monthly price per gallon of diesel for 2017 (January - December).
Consumer Price Index by Monthly Inflation 2017 (January - December) |
This table shows the monthly inflation for 2017 (January - December).
Consumer Price Index by Monthly Inflation 2016 (January - December) |
This table shows the monthly inflation for 2016 (January - December).
Public Debt and Debt Servicing, 2010 - 2016 |
This table represents the financial obligations incurred by the Government as it relates to internal and external debt and debt servicing for the years 2010 thru 2016.
Commercial Banks Banking Indicators 2015 '(000) |
This table shows percentages and values of assets and liabilities for the commercial banking sector for 2015 (first to third quarter).
Commercial Banks Banking Indicators 2014 '(000) |
This table shows percentages and values of assets and liabilities for the commercial banking sector for each quarter in 2014.
Commercial Banks Banking Indicators 2013 '(000) |
This table shows percentages and values of assets and liabilities for the commercial banking sector for each quarter in 2013.