
Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
CXC, Education
Release Date:
Thursday, 26 September 2024 - 9:52am

Statement from the

Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs & Sports- June 2024 CXC CSEC Results for the Virgin Islands

Thursday 26th September, 2024

The Ministry of Education is pleased to present a synopsis of the June 2024 Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) results for the Virgin Islands.

This year, students in the Virgin Islands sat a total of 35 subjects, reflecting the breadth of academic engagement across multiple disciplines. The overall average pass rate for students across all subjects was an impressive 85.3%, underscoring the strong performance of our students on the whole.

This year, the Virgin Islands achieved a 100% pass rate in eleven subjects. The subjects in which students demonstrated exceptional performance with a 100% pass rate are as follows:

  • Agricultural Science SA General
  • Economics General
  • English B General
  • French General
  • Office Administration General
  • Visual Arts General
  • Physical Education & Sport General
  • Food, Nutrition and Health Technical
  • Family and Resource Management Technical
  • Industrial Technology Electrical
  • Industrial Technology Mechanical

Additionally, the Virgin Islands achieved 90-99% pass rates in seven subjects. The subjects with pass rates within this range are:

  • English A General
  • Information Technology General
  • Physics General
  • Principles of Business General
  • Electronic Document Preparation and Management General
  • Human and Social Biology General
  • Technical Drawing Technical

A notable highlight from this year's performance is the continued improvement in English A, where 222 students sat for the examination, achieving an impressive 95.5% pass rate, a 3% increase from 2023. Among these students, 104 earned Grade I, 69 earned Grade II, and 39 earned Grade III passes.

In addition, the Virgin Islands attained a pass rate of 80-89% in five subjects, namely:

  • Biology General
  • Chemistry General
  • Integrated Science General
  • Principles of Accounts General
  • Textiles, Clothing and Fashion Technical

While we celebrate the successes in many subject areas, Mathematics remains a key area for targeted improvement. This year, the Virgin Islands recorded a 46.45% pass rate in Mathematics. Despite this, our performance still surpasses the regional pass rate of 36%. The Ministry of Education is already engaged in efforts to address the teaching and learning of Mathematics from the foundation levels. This includes targeted professional development for teachers, increasing classroom resources, and the introduction of a Certificate in Mathematics Instruction for primary teachers in 2025. We are committed to strengthening Mathematics education and improving outcomes in the years ahead.

The Ministry is also focused on increasing the number of students across our schools taking the CXC examinations. CXC qualifications, including the CSEC, are internationally recognised and accepted by hundreds of universities throughout the Caribbean, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In fact, CXC results are used in place of SAT scores at hundreds of institutions across the world. As such, parents are encouraged to inquire about their children taking CXCs from the time they enter senior secondary school, to give them a head start in pursuing tertiary education. The cost of these examinations is a small investment into the success your child experiences in the future.

Teachers are encouraged to guide all senior secondary students toward earning CSEC qualifications during their final years, as these credentials significantly enhance their competitiveness in the job market and improve their chances of gaining admission to the colleges and universities of their choice. 

Senior secondary students, the Ministry congratulates each of you for your success on the examinations. To those poised to take examinations in the upcoming year, you are encouraged to begin to prepare now. Ensure your SBA’s are done in accordance with the grading rubric, study and prepare for the examinations. What you put in, you will undoubtedly get out.

The Ministry also takes pride in highlighting the achievements of the top-performing students in the Territory for the June 2024 sitting, ranked based on the total number of Grade I passes attained for the sitting. 

The top three students for the Virgin Islands in 2024 are:

  • Orrett Donald Kennedy (St. George’s School) – 11 subjects, 9 Grade I passes
  • Jaydeen Britany Martin (St. George’s School) – 10 subjects, 7 Grade I passes
  • Gorcia Iona Johnson (Claudia Creque Educational Centre) – 9 subjects, 7 Grade I passes

While we celebrate these top achievers, we also want to acknowledge the remarkable success of candidates who completed subjects at the end of their eleventh grade year and went on to take additional subjects in twelfth grade, achieving outstanding results. We extend our congratulations to these high achievers as well for their exceptional performance.

The Ministry commends all students, teachers, and schools for their hard work and dedication in maintaining high academic standards. As we move forward, we will continue to focus on areas that require improvement while building on our successes to ensure the highest quality education for all students in the Virgin Islands.