Press Release

Department of Youth Affairs and Sports
Release Date:
Wednesday, 29 July 2020 - 9:17am

Director of Youth Affairs and Sports, Mrs. Brenda Lettsome-Tye handed over a quantity ot food items to the Family Support Network (FSN) on July 11 during the semi-finals of the Gen Y Factor competition. 

Mrs. Lettsome-Tye said  the donation was made possible following the issuing of 30 tickets to each contestant to be given to their supporters free of charge.  In lieu of payment for the tickets and in order to enter the show, supporters were asked to contribute  a non-perishable food item and present the tickets they were given.

“We are very grateful to the audience for supporting our initiative,” Mrs. Lettsome-Tye said, adding, “Close to 300 attendees donated food items and the department’s bus was filled to the brim. Again, I want to thank the community for their contributions towards this worthy cause.”

Board Member, Dr. Maris Hodge Wright received the donation on behalf of FSN which had a value of $1,431.00. She thanked the department for the items stating that they will go a long way towards helping those families who are in need.

The Department of Youth Affairs and Sports will continue to be the catalyst  for youth development  and supports all inititives that will  ensure safe and happy homes of young people.

For more information on how to donate to the Family Support Network contact the organisation at 540-2085.


Nekita Turnbull

Deputy Chief Information Officer
Department of Information & Public Relations 
Telephone: 468-2730