AIRMID App Launched To Provide Virtual Healthcare

Tuesday, 21 April 2020 - 12:57pm

The BVI Health Services Authority has launched an ‘Airmid’ phone application to allow patients to receive virtual healthcare in response to COVID-19.

Show BVILOVE And Stay Home

Monday, 20 April 2020 - 1:14pm

Residents of the Virgin Islands are reminded that they are to stay at home during the 24-hour curfew for seven (7) more days until April 26 to reduce the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. 

Hotline To Access Basic Food Supplies

Sunday, 19 April 2020 - 8:20pm

Persons in need are urged to call the dedicated Essential Supplies Hotline at 852-7688 to access basic food packages between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Premier Fahie Announces Extension Of Preventative Measures

Saturday, 18 April 2020 - 5:35pm

Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie said that the 24 hour curfew will be extended due to the recent death of a suspected COVID-19 resident of the Virgin Islands.

Statement by Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Carvin Malone - Preserving Our Success To Protect Our Future

Friday, 17 April 2020 - 1:25pm

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to be allowed to issue this statement regarding the ongoing response in the BVI to pandemic corona virus (COVID-19).

Necesita Medicamentos Recetados Mientras Está En Toque De Queda

Monday, 13 April 2020 - 2:53pm

Las personas que necesitan medicamentos recetados durante el toque de queda deben tomar nota de lo siguiente:

In Need Of Prescribed Medications While On Curfew

Monday, 13 April 2020 - 10:28am

Persons who are in need of prescribed medications during the curfew are asked to take not....

Estos Son Extractos Del Mensaje De Su Excelencia El Gobernador

Tuesday, 17 March 2020 - 12:25pm

Tenemos que cambiar algunos de nuestros comportamientos. 

Esté alerta en la protección contra Covid-19

Monday, 16 March 2020 - 2:10pm

Se le recuerda al público que debe estar atento al protegerse y no contraer ni propagar el coronavirus (COVID-19) mientras practica procedimientos de reducción de riesgos.
