Topic: Environmental Health, Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Sunday, 26 April 2020 - 11:09am
Environmental Health Division and the Social Distancing Task Force continue inspections of private businesses today April 26 in preparations to re-open on April 27.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 9:42pm
All recipients of the Territorial Provisional Packages (Essential Supplies) are warned that the delivery to homes is being verified as multiple packages were received by the same households.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 9:15pm
Se alienta a los residentes de las Islas Vírgenes a usar máscaras además de implementar otras medidas, como el distanciamiento social y el lavado de manos.
Topic: Cabinet, Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 3:39pm
The Cabinet Office is notifying the public that Statutory Instrument Nos. 43 Imposition of a Curfew (No.12) Order, 2020 is now available for public information on the Virgin Islands Official Gazette website at
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 2:26pm
El Primer Ministro y Ministro de Finanzas, Honorable Andrew A. Fahie, ha pedido al público que sea compasivo y no discrimine a las personas que dieron positivo por COVID-19, o que pueden estar en cuarentena o aisladas.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 12:20pm
Residents of the Virgin Islands are now encouraged to wear masks in addition to implementing other measures such as social distancing and hand washing.