E.g., 27 Jul 2024
E.g., 27 Jul 2024

Governor Jaspert: "My Commitment As Governor Is To Serve And To Work In Partnership To Make The Virgin Islands An Even Better Place"

Tuesday, 22 August 2017 - 12:36pm

Honourable Premier, Your Ladyship Honourable Madame Justice Ellis, Honourable Deputy Premier, Honourable Ministers, Madame Deputy Governor, Honourable Leader of the Opposition, other Honourable Members of the House of Assembly, Members of the Clergy, distinguished guests – good morning.

Working Together To Advance BVI’S Recovery And Continued Prosperity

Tuesday, 22 August 2017 - 11:53am

Your Excellency the Governor Augustus Jaspert, Mrs. Jaspert, Oscar and Tobias; Honourable Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly, Deputy Governor, Ladies and Gentleman, good morning:

Premier Smith's Statement On Progress Of Finalising Recovery Efforts Following Tropical Wave In The Virgin Islands

Friday, 11 August 2017 - 6:15pm

My fellow Virgin Islanders and residents of this Territory: This morning, I had the opportunity to visit different areas in Tortola as we, as a Territory, continue our recovery efforts.

Premier Smith: Have A Safe And Happy Festival 2017

Friday, 4 August 2017 - 3:13pm

My fellow Virgin Islanders, residents, friends, regular visitors and those who are here for the first time, a festive welcome to our 2017 Emancipation Celebration.

Premier Smith's Response On Motion Of No Confidence

Tuesday, 1 August 2017 - 11:10pm

Citizens and residents of the Virgin Islands:

Earlier this afternoon, the Leader of the Opposition brought a Motion of No Confidence against the Minister of Finance, which failed to garner support from any other member of the House of Assembly. 

Statement By Government Of The Virgin Islands Regarding BVI Airways

Wednesday, 19 July 2017 - 4:33pm

The Government of the Virgin Islands recognising the need to improve airlift into the Territory for our visitors and residents alike, entered into an agreement with BVI Airways to provide the company with $7 million to operate direct flights between Miami and the British Virgin Islands.

Remarks By Honourable Pickering - The Virgin Islands Must Act To Protect Against Threats Of Climate Change

Monday, 17 July 2017 - 4:07pm

There are milestones in the development of any country,and there are turning points that determine the destiny of a place under shifting circumstances.

Statement By Acting Premier On Preparedness For Developing Tropical Systems

Friday, 14 July 2017 - 7:01pm

My fellow Virgin Islanders, residents and visitors, as you are all aware, on Wednesday July 12 into the early hours of Thursday, July 13, the Territory was impacted by a strong tropical wave which resulted in heavy rainfall, flooding of some roadways and landslides along some slopes. 

Premier Smith Gives Government's Mid-Term Report

Monday, 10 July 2017 - 8:38pm

My Fellow citizens and residents of the Virgin Islands,

I come before you today at the mid-way point of this Government’s term.

I want to take this moment to update you on the progress we have achieved toward fulfilling the promises and commitments we made when you entrusted us to lead.

Remarks By Minister For Education And Culture, Honourable Myron V. Walwyn At The Festival And Fairs Committee 2017 Launch

Tuesday, 4 July 2017 - 5:36pm

Welcome to the official launch of Festival 2017. The Virgin Islands will commemorate 63 years of Emancipation Celebrations under the theme “A Colourful Kaleidoscope to be seen, Creating a Cultural Scene for Festival 2017”.   
