E.g., 20 Oct 2024
E.g., 20 Oct 2024

Mensaje de Director General de UNESCO del Día Mundial de la Poesía 2019

Thursday, 21 March 2019 - 5:05pm

toma la luna
y toma una estrella
cuando no sepas
quién eres
pinta la imagen en tu mano
y vuelve a casa

toma la luna
y hazla hablar
saca tu alma
hazla andar
pinta la imagen en tu mano
y vuelve a casa
Extracto de “Howlin at the Moon” [Aullando a la luna] de Wayne Keon

La poesía, en todas sus formas, es un poderoso instrumento de diálogo y acercamiento. Es una expresión íntima que abre las puertas a los demás, enriquece el diálogo que cataliza todos los progresos humanos y teje lazos entre las culturas.

Message From Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General Of UNESCO On The Occasion Of The World Poetry Day

Thursday, 21 March 2019 - 3:49pm

Poetry, in all its forms, is a powerful tool for dialogue and rapprochement. An intimate expression that opens doors to others, it enriches the dialogue that catalyzes all human progress and weaves cultures together.

Remarks By Honourable Malone At The Opening Of A Regional Workshop On Collaborative Cash Programming In Shock Responsive Social Protection

Tuesday, 19 March 2019 - 4:57pm

May I first wish you all a very pleasant morning. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be here on the occasion of this seminal workshop, and to extend very warm greetings to our visiting guests on behalf of the Government and people of the Virgin Islands.

Statement By Premier Fahie On The Acts Of Terrorism In New Zealand

Saturday, 16 March 2019 - 11:53am

The government of the British Virgin Islands joins the world community in strongly condemning the act of terrorism this week in New Zealand.

Premier, Andrew A. Fahie OECS Authority Address

Friday, 15 March 2019 - 4:57pm

Good Evening,  May the Peace of the Lord be upon my Caribbean comrades.  I bring to you, greetings on behalf of the Government and people of the British Virgin Islands. Today, I am indeed delighted to join you all on this most historic occasion, and for my first visit to your beautiful islands of Guadeloupe.  

Remarks By His Excellency The Governor Mr. Augustus J. U Jaspert During The Chat With The Media

Friday, 15 March 2019 - 3:00pm
Members of the media, good morning. 
Thank you for being here to what is my first chat for the year with you. I wanted to have this earlier, but as you know it has been a busy time in the Territory with campaigns and elections.

Statement By Premier Fahie During The First Sitting Of The First Session Of The Fourth House Of Assembly

Wednesday, 13 March 2019 - 8:09am

I want to start by giving God all the glory, honour and praise.

I recognise all those who have been recognised before. I also recognise the presence of all dignitaries and their spouses. But it would be remiss of me if I didn’t recognise my very good friends from the U.S Virgin Islands, Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the U.S Virgin Islands, Governor Bryan Jr., and Lieutenant Governor Roach – two very good friends of mine.

Statement By Honourable Andrew Fahie On EU List Of Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions

Tuesday, 12 March 2019 - 2:28pm

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Virgin Islands,  I am pleased to report to you that the European Union has announced today that it recognises the BVI as compliant with its fair taxation principles as well as being a cooperative jurisdiction.

Speech Given By Honourable Speaker Of The House Mr. Julian Willock

Tuesday, 12 March 2019 - 12:00pm

Good morning.  My name is Julian Willock, the Speaker of the Fourth House of Assembly.  I thank God for allowing me to be here with good health and strength.

Commonwealth Day Message from Her Majesty The Queen, Head of the Commonwealth Theme: ‘A Connected Commonwealth’ Monday 11th March 2019

Monday, 11 March 2019 - 12:01am

Commonwealth Day has a special significance this year as we mark the 70th anniversary of the London Declaration, when nations of the Commonwealth agreed to move forward together as free and equal members. The vision and sense of connection that inspired the signatories has stood the test of time, and the Commonwealth continues to grow, adapting to address contemporary needs.
