Processing of residential property development applications, adhering to the policies and guidelines governing the territory of the British Virgin Islands.


Step 1: Calculate your development fee.

Please enter the residential square footage of the proposed property

sqft of proposed property

Step 2: Submit your application form in triplicate (3) and your Application Fee.

Step 3: Submit your drawings in triplicate(3)

Step 4: Submit a certified copy of Land Register by the Registrar of Lands.

Step 4b: If the property needs to be sub divided, Apply for a subdivision

Step 5: Submit proof of Belonger Status (copy of passport page).

             Provide a copy of the Non–Belonger Land Holding License (if the applicant is a Non-Belonger).

Step 6: Submit a Lease Agreement: Where the land is under a lease agreement.

  • Provide a notarized Certificate of Non-Objection: where applicant is not a land owner or shares property with another person, a certified letter of non – objection stating that the land owner/other land owner has no objections to the proposed development will be required

Supporting Documents

Method of Applying

In Person

Turn Around Time


Additional Notes

All drawings must have a Title Block including signature(s) of persons who prepared the plan.

All plans must be legible and drawn to scale. Sketches are not accepted

Where the development entails mining of any form, a fee of $ 100.00 will be charged.

Where the development entails a change of use, a fee of $ 100.00 will be charged.

Where approval of an application has lapsed, a fee of $ 50.00 is charged.


Department Contact Information

Town and Country Planning Department

33 Admin Drive
Central Administration Complex
Road Town, Tortola
Virgin Islands (British) VG1110

Business Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cashier  : 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Email Address:

Telephone: 1(284) 468-2158
Fax: 1(284) 468-3148