E.g., 21 Jul 2024
E.g., 21 Jul 2024

Premier Reflects On The Life Of A. O. Shirley, MBE

Tuesday, 5 January 2016 - 5:45pm

Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Honourable D. Orlando Smith, OBE, joins the Territory in remembering the life and legacy of the late Mr. A. O. Shirley, MBE.

Training Series Continue For Small Business Owners

Tuesday, 5 January 2016 - 5:00pm

Small business owners and other persons interested in refining their business management skills are invited to register for the third session in the series of entrepreneurial training. 

Department Of Trade And Consumer Affairs Renamed

Tuesday, 5 January 2016 - 12:15pm

The Trade and Consumer Affairs Department has been renamed the Department of Trade, Investment Promotion and Consumer Affairs.

Residents Warned To Be On Alert For The Zika Virus

Monday, 4 January 2016 - 4:45pm

The Ministry of Health and Social Development is advising residents that an alert has been issued for the Caribbean region as a result of cases of the mosquito-borne Zika virus that have occurred. 

Family Support Network Receives Donations From School

Monday, 4 January 2016 - 4:45pm

The Family Support Network (FSN), the British Virgin Islands’ non-governmental organisation working to fight domestic violence, received a donation of supplies last month courtesy the Jost Van Dyke School.

Government Issues National Health Insurance Regulations

Thursday, 31 December 2015 - 1:15pm

The Government of the Virgin Islands has issued the Social Security (National Health Insurance) Regulations, 2015 to provide for the efficient administration of the National Health Insurance (NHI) System. 

Minister Pickering Makes Annual Visit To Terrence B. Lettsome Airport

Thursday, 31 December 2015 - 11:30am

Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour, Dr. the Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering visited the facilities and viewed operations at the Terrence B. Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island on Wednesday, December 30.  

Irena And Europe's Overseas Join Forces To Increase Renewable Deployment

Wednesday, 23 December 2015 - 4:00pm

At the margins of the UNFCCC COP21, where world leaders are meeting to discuss means to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, the Association of Overseas Countries and Territories of the European Union (OCTA) made an important announcement. OCTA has recently joined the SIDS Lighthouse Initiative and through this new partnership, OCTA and IRENA join forces to accelerate the development and deployment of renewable energy in islands.

Kaleidoscopes Of Butterflies Observed Throughout The Territory

Wednesday, 23 December 2015 - 10:30am

The BVI has experienced kaleidoscopes of thousands of quiet flying insects since October 2015. The Great Southern White Butterfly, whose scientific name is Ascia monuste eubotea has been spotted in swarms moving with the winds throughout the hills and valleys, along the carriageways, in the villages and at sea, as they fly to and from the various islands and in our capital, Road Town.

Deputy Governor Appointed Acting Governor Until January 6

Tuesday, 22 December 2015 - 4:45pm

His Excellency the Governor, Mr. John S. Duncan, OBE, is away from the Territory until January 6.
