
Ministry of Health & Social Development
Environmental Health
Release Date:
Friday, 24 May 2024 - 3:28pm

The Environmental Health Division’s Vector Control Unit, will be conducting comprehensive vector control measures in Brewer’s Bay and Josiah’s Bay on Saturday, May 25 at 4:30 p.m.

The aim is to thoroughly assess the ponds in these areas and implement effective measures to address any mosquito breeding. Efforts will also focus on mitigating future mosquito breeding, to ensure a healthier environment for all residents.

Residents, especially those with asthma or respiratory illnesses, are advised to take necessary precautions during the mosquito control activities.

For more information, please contact the Environmental Health Division at 284-468-5110. 


Natasha Lettsome-Humphrey

Public Health Communications Specialist
Ministry of Health/Social Development
Telephone: 468-2286