
Ministry of Communications and Works
Release Date:
Wednesday, 15 May 2024 - 9:15am

Vendors at the Road Town Market Square are reminded to adhere to the following guidelines while operating:

  1. Ensure compliance with the ten regulations outlined in the approval document. 
  2. Failure to comply may result in the forfeiture of your refundable deposit.

Waste Disposal Instructions:

Commercial establishments near the Road Town Market Square are requested to dispose of their waste in the large bins provided by the Department of Waste Management (DWM) outside the Market. Please refrain from using the small receptacles within the Market for waste disposal.

Parking Regulations:

Motorists are reminded that the Road Town Market Square is designated as a ‘No Parking’ area. While loading and unloading items is permitted, parking in loading zones is strictly prohibited.

Your continued cooperation is appreciated in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the Road Town Market Square.


Giovanni Herbert

Information Officer
Telephone:  468-3058
Email: gherbert@gov.vg