
Ministry of Communications and Works
BVI Airports Authority
Release Date:
Wednesday, 10 July 2024 - 10:40am





JULY, 9TH  2024


It is, my distinct honour to welcome you all to the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Day here in the Virgin Islands.

This event represents a significant milestone, in our ongoing efforts to enhance, and expand our aviation sector and I am delighted, again, to see so much of you here this morning, from the industry, industry experts, stakeholders, and partners.

After only becoming a member of ACI in 2019, and we are proud to host such a prestigious event.

I need to also acknowledge the Director and his team for their perseverance to not just be a member of ACI, but to serve as an advisor on the governing board. 

There are 712 members of ACI and operate in 171 countries.

And the BVI Airports Authority will sever in this capacity for 2 years.

So, Today's event is a testament to the strong and productive partnership between the BVI Airports Authority and the Airports Council International (ACI).

This collaboration is crucial as we strive to meet international standards, and, improve the overall passenger experience at our airports.

ACI's expertise, and global network, of serving in over 1900 airports, provide invaluable support and guidance, as we navigate the complexities of airport management and development.

The benefits of hosting ACI Airport Day in the BVI are manifold.

This event not only allows us to showcase our beautiful islands and our potential as a strategic airport operator in the Caribbean, but also provides a platform for knowledge-sharing and networking.

We are eager to learn from the best practices and innovative solutions that ACI members bring from around the world.

Such interactions will undoubtedly contribute to the continuous improvement of our airport operations and services.

I am particularly excited about the synergy between the event and our ambitious plans for the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport.

The expansion and development of this airport are central to our vision of transforming the BVI into a premier travel and business destination.  As many of you know, the Ministry of Communications and Works, together with the BVI Airports Authority, is diligently working on the development of a comprehensive business plan for this project.

This initiative aims to ensure that the expansion is not only economically viable but also sustainable and beneficial to our community.

The development at the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport is a cornerstone of our broader strategy to enhance connectivity, boost tourism, and drive economic growth.

By increasing our airports’ capacity and improving its facilities, we will be better positioned to attract more visitors, enhance our service offerings, and create new opportunities for our people.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank ACI for their unwavering support and commitment to our shared goals.  The knowledge and expertise you bring are invaluable to our progress, and we look forward to continuing this fruitful partnership.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude to everyone involved in organizing this event and to all of you for being here today.  Your participation underscores the importance of our collaborative efforts and our shared vision for a prosperous future.

Let us take full advantage of this opportunity to learn, share, and grow together.

Thank you, and I wish you all a productive and enjoyable ACI Airport Day.