Photo and Caption

Office of the Deputy Governor
Release Date:
Monday, 17 June 2024 - 5:00pm

Manager of the Public Estate Management Unit within the Office of the Deputy Governor Mr. Floyd Stoutt is featured as he held a walk-through with prospective contractors, to discuss the scope of works on the restoration of the Old Administration Building on Main Street, Tortola. The first phase of works will include the rehabilitation of the front-facing façade, including the replacement of structural support members and all metallic features to make these aspects safer for pedestrians and motor vehicles.

Proposals for these works are expected to be submitted by June 24 while completion of woks is expected by October 31.

(Photo credit: Office of the Deputy Governor)


Eusa Z. Adams

Assistant Information Officer
Deputy Governor's Office
Government of the Virgin Islands
Tel: 284.468.2219