
Cabinet Office
Release Date:
Thursday, 22 August 2024 - 5:55pm




26th June and 3rd July, 2024


Cabinet Meeting – 26th June, 2024

His Excellency the Governor Daniel Pruce chaired the meeting held on 26th June, 2024 at the Premier's Conference Room.

All Members were present, with the exception of the Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports, who was on official duty.


  1. Noted the Sister Islands Matrix detailing issues to be addressed across the Sister Islands; that the Financial Secretary and Permanent Secretaries provide regular updates on matters and hold regular meetings with the Sister Islands Programme Coordinator. It was noted that Mrs. Eulet Evelyn was appointed Sister Islands Human Resources Manager to support ministries in addressing their human resource issues on the respective Sister Islands.
  2. Approved Peter Island Hotel (2000) Limited’s application for an amendment to the list of items under their current Hotel Aid Licence in accordance with the Hotel Aid Ordinance (Cap. 290) Section 3; and decided and that the Premier’s Office instruct the Attorney General's Chambers to draft the relevant order.
  3. Considered and approved the Statutory Boards Policy - June 2024 designed to promote a more rational, organised and standardised approach to the establishment, development, management oversight and, if necessary, dissolution of Statutory Boards to ensure that they are functioning for their primary purposes in the public interest of the Virgin Islands as set out in B26.01(e) and (f) in the joint action plan agreed on 15th  May, 2024.
  4. Reviewed and approved the Institutional and Non-institutional Grant Issuance Framework Policy, which seeks to establish overarching grant management standards for all ministerial grant programmes, and ensuring alignment and efficient use of government resources in accordance with Commission of Inquiry recommendation B7.06; and decided that the policy be tabled in the House of Assembly at the next convenient sitting.
  5. Reviewed and considered the Update on Cabinet Actions for the Compensation Review on 8th May 2024.
  6. Approved the recommendation of the Virgin Islands Deposit Insurance Board of Directors to appoint Ms. Lisa Ann Violet as the Chief Executive Officer of the Virgin Islands Deposit Insurance Corporation in accordance with Section 40(1) of the Virgin Islands Deposit Insurance Act, 2016.
  7. Decided that Section 57(2) of Social Security (Employment Injury Benefits) Regulations be amended to remove the Minister’s discretionary powers; and that the Ministry of Health and Social Development submit drafting instructions to the Attorney General's Chambers on the relevant amendment.




Cabinet Meeting – 3rd July, 2024

His Excellency the Governor Daniel Pruce chaired the meeting held on 3rd July, 2024 at the Premier's Conference Room.

All Members were present, with the exception of the Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade, and the Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports, who were on private leave and official duty, respectively.


  1. Noted the content of the weekly Governor's Office Commission of Inquiry Report.
  2. Examined the Schedule of Reallocation Warrants approved for the year 2023; and decided that the report be laid on the table of the House of Assembly at the next convenient sitting, in accordance with the requirements of Section 24 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2004.
  3. Decided that the Government of the Virgin Islands enter into a temporary lease agreement with Forge International (BVI) Ltd. for a period of six (6) months; and decided that the Deputy Governor's Office instruct the Attorney General’s Chambers to vet the lease prepared by the landlord.
  4. Decided that registered farmers, Ishmael E Hodge and Avelinda Freeman, be exempted from import duty for poultry items for their poultry farm valued at one thousand and seventy-five dollars ($1,075.00), under Sections 54(3), 65(10) and Schedule 5(13)(1)(2) of the Customs Management and Duties Act, 2010.
  5. Reviewed and approved the Bill entitled, Public Assistance (Amendment) Act, 2024, which seeks to modernise and strengthen the social safety net in the Virgin Islands by restructuring the existing Public Assistance Programme to give effect to Recommendation B7 of the Commission of Inquiry Report; and decided that the Bill be introduced for its first reading in the House of Assembly at the next convenient sitting.
  6. Approved three (3) Non-Belongers Land Holding Licence applications.


Published by the Cabinet Office on 22nd August, 2024.



  1. Cabinet decisions will be published by the Cabinet Office following confirmation of the Minutes.
  2. Only a summary of the decisions will be published.
  3. Cabinet discussions will not be disclosed.
    1. Cabinet decisions of a sensitive nature, matters of national security, those where publication breaches regional or international conventions and those relating to personal privacy will not be disclosed.
    2. Cabinet decisions will be published in the weekly issues of the Virgin Islands Official Gazette at Gazette at
    3. Cabinet decisions will be also available on and on Twitter.