Topic: Immigration, Passports, Nationality, and Visas | Posted By: aphillip
Tuesday, 30 August 2016 - 5:00pm
The public is reminded that starting Thursday September 1, persons who have been working in the British Virgin Islands for five years will no longer be required to leave the Territory during the transitioning process when changing employers.
Topic: Transportation and Traffic | Posted By: kduncan
Monday, 29 August 2016 - 4:50pm
The public is notified that the Huntum’s Ghut Road, between the gas station and the Church of God of Prophecy, will be partially closed Tuesday, August 30 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
To facilitate this exercise, the James Walter Francis Drive, Waterfront Drive, and Sir Francis Drake Highway between the BVI Ports Authority in Port Purcell and BVIEC Power Station in Pockwood Pond will be closed to vehicular traffic.