E.g., 15 Mar 2025
      E.g., 15 Mar 2025

      Honourable Carvin Malone: Pockwood Pond Waste Management Site

      Wednesday, 17 July 2019 - 3:31pm

      Mr. Speaker, although I have on two occasions reported on the effects of the fire that has made the incinerator at Pockwood Pond inoperable I nevertheless find it necessary to report on interim measures taken while the control panel is being assembled and the electrical works are being conducted.

      Cabinet Decisions - Meeting of 2nd July 2019

      Thursday, 11 July 2019 - 2:28pm

      His Excellency the Governor Augustus Jaspert chaired the Meeting held on 2nd July, 2019, which was held at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.

      Statement by Honourable Vincent Wheatley On the Cane Garden Bay Swimming Area Situation

      Monday, 8 July 2019 - 4:40pm

      Greetings to the people of the Virgin Islands.  As you may be aware, the situation in Cane Garden Bay Tortola that involves Power Boaters infringing on the swimming area and anchoring their vessels on the shoreline has been a problem to the beach goers and the community. This occurrence is dangerous and is also a potentially fatal accident waiting to occur. The Government of the Virgin Islands has been working diligently to remedy this issue and I am proud to say that this problem will be no more by the beginning of August.

      Statement by Junior Minister for Trade and Economic Development Honourable Sharie de Castro Consultation On Consumer Protection Act, 2019

      Friday, 5 July 2019 - 5:30pm

      My fellow Virgin Islanders; this is a wonderful moment not only for the Government led by Premier Honourable Andrew Fahie, but for the people of the Virgin Islands who for years have pleaded for Consumer Protection legislation.

      Cabinet Decisions - Meeting of 19th June, 2019

      Thursday, 4 July 2019 - 10:16am

      His Excellency the Governor Augustus Jaspert chaired the Meeting held on 19th June, 2019, which was held at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.

      Statement By Minister For Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries And Agriculture Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley On Territory Day

      Wednesday, 3 July 2019 - 9:51am

      Ladies and gentlemen, it is my understanding that we are here to celebrate our transition from being a presidency of the Leeward Islands Federation to a standalone colony, later changed to territory, of the United Kingdom.  I would like to broaden the context for the discussion today and how we understand “Territory Day.” It is my contention that this day should celebrate our long walk to freedom, from enslaved people to our present status, and we should use this opportunity to discuss our future.

      Statement By Minister For Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries And Agriculture Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley On Territory Day

      Wednesday, 3 July 2019 - 9:51am

      Ladies and gentlemen, it is my understanding that we are here to celebrate our transition from being a presidency of the Leeward Islands Federation to a standalone colony, later changed to territory, of the United Kingdom.  I would like to broaden the context for the discussion today and how we understand “Territory Day.” It is my contention that this day should celebrate our long walk to freedom, from enslaved people to our present status, and we should use this opportunity to discuss our future.

      Statement By Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley - Scholarship Programme

      Monday, 3 June 2019 - 10:41am

      Thank you, Mr. Speaker for giving me the opportunity to address this Honourable House as well as the people of the Virgin Islands to briefly speak about the reopening of the V.I. Scholarship Programme.

      Statement By Honourable Kye Rymer On Territory-Wide Power Outage

      Friday, 28 June 2019 - 3:11pm

      I wish to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Government of the Virgin Islands, the Ministry for Transportation, Works and Utilities, and the British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation (BVIEC), to apologize to all residents who were affected in some way by this morning’s power outage.

      Statement by Minister for Minister For Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries And Agriculture On Exit Proficiency Exams

      Tuesday, 25 June 2019 - 5:02pm

      Residents and Citizens of the Virgin Islands, I greet you with a spirit of love and humility in this graduation season, and I extend congratulations to all the students and families celebrating at this time.
