2022 Budget Address

Friday, 12 November 2021 - 12:59pm

It is important that I begin this Budget Address from the words of Abba, our Father as found in Luke 12:8, “And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God.”

Statement by Premier Fahie - Appointment Of Members Of The Recovery And Development Agency

Friday, 30 April 2021 - 1:26pm

Mister Speaker, I wish to speak now on the appointment of members of the Recovery and Development Agency.

Statement By Premier And Minister Of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie: Your Government Working For You In 2021

Wednesday, 10 March 2021 - 6:14pm

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for allowing me the opportunity to address this Honourable House.

Mr. Speaker, on 25 February, 2019, the people of the Virgin Islands went to the polls in peaceful, free and fair elections and elected a new Government.

Virgin Islands Youth Parliament Now Has Its Full Slate Of Members

Tuesday, 10 November 2020 - 5:26pm

The Virgin Islands Youth Parliament (VIYP) now has its full cohort of members following the administering of the Oath of Affirmation to three youth parliamentarians who were absent at the official launch in October.

Honourable Premier To Present Budget Address On Thursday

Tuesday, 10 November 2020 - 2:58pm

Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie will present the Government’s annual Financial Statement, or Budget Address on Thursday, November 12 under the theme: INNOVATION: Building a stable, diverse, competitive economy with strong industries and partnerships for regional and international trade, by building and harnessing the creative capacity of our human capital.  

Government’s Legislative Agenda Presented To The Territory

Thursday, 5 November 2020 - 5:43pm

‘Driving BVI Innovation through Legislation’ is the theme of the Government’s Legislative Agenda for the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly.

Virgin Islands Youth Parliament Re-Launched With 23 Members

Wednesday, 21 October 2020 - 5:18pm

Speaker of the House of Assembly Honourable Julian Willock has said that under the revised structure of the Virgin Islands Youth Parliament (VIYP), its members will have an opportunity to understand in theory and practice the important principles of governance.

Statement By Premier at House Of Assembly: BVI Airport Authority Consultant Report

Tuesday, 23 June 2020 - 5:05pm

Mr. Speaker, as you are aware, your Government is committed to the highest standards of transparency and accountability in our handling of the public’s affairs.

House Of Assembly Statement By Honourable Andrew A. Fahie - Black History Month: Remembering our Hard Fought Legacy

Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 2:55pm

Mister Speaker, I now will make a statement on Black History Month because though it is most recognised in the United States, I am very well aware that we are a people of the African Diaspora.

Honourable Dr. Natalio Wheatley - Additional Year in Public Secondary School

Friday, 21 February 2020 - 3:13pm

Mr. Speaker, last year, I announced my intention to examine the additional year of instruction in our public secondary schools, with the intention of deciding whether it would continue.  Mr. Speaker, I held public meetings, which yielded useful feedback on the topic.  I was able to confirm that, indeed, there were students in the system who benefitted from the additional year as well as students who were being held back by the additional year.
