Good afternoon. Thank you all for coming and thank you Premier for your statement. I wholeheartedly welcome your announcement on the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) and applaud the leadership you and your Cabinet have shown in establishing it. I would also like to join the Premier in his thanks to Dr. Mathavious for agreeing to be Chairman of the Board.
Shortly after Hurricane Irma affected the Territory, a Disaster Recovery Coordinating Committee (DRCC) was established to provide oversight and advice on all aspects of the Territory's recovery activities and initiatives following the unprecedented trio of disaster events - floods of August and hurricanes Maria and Irma in September.
Public Officers, ladies and gentlemen, let me have a few minutes of your time to briefly speak about the plans for the transformation of the Public Service.
I am Myron V. Walwyn, Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports and it is indeed my pleasure to bring to you today my tenth update on the works of the Ministry of Education since the passage of hurricanes Irma and Maria.
Topic: Education, Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS), Public School | Posted By: npickering
Friday, 5 January 2018 - 2:41pm
It is my pleasure to greet all Virgin Islanders and give another update on the status of education in the Territory as we continue to move forward with rebuilding the education sector following the recent devastation.