E.g., 30 Jul 2024
E.g., 30 Jul 2024

Joint National Security Council Statement by Governor Rankin and Premier Wheatley on the Recent Murder in the Virgin Islands

Tuesday, 2 May 2023 - 12:31pm

The National Security Council met on Monday, 1 May following the murder at a residence near to the Stickett in Long Look on Sunday evening. 

Statement By Honourable. Vincent O. Wheatley Minister For Health And Social Development

Monday, 1 May 2023 - 1:11pm

Fellow Virgin Islanders, residents, and friends:

Every May, since 1989, the Virgin Islands have embarked on a month-long celebration in recognition of our senior citizens. On this 34th anniversary, I am delighted to announce the commencement of Senior Citizens Month 2023. This year, we focus on the inspiring theme: "Ageing Unbound." This powerful message emphasises the resilience, vitality, and strength of our seniors, who continually strive to surpass the limitations traditionally associated with age.

Cabinet Decisions - Meetings of 29th June, 2022, 29th March and 5th April, 2023

Monday, 24 April 2023 - 4:34pm

His Excellency, the Governor John J. Rankin, CMG, chaired the Meeting held at the Premier’s Office Conference Room on 29th June, 2022. All Members were present, with the exception of the Minister for Natural Resources and Labour and the Attorney General, who were overseas on official travel and on annual leave, respectively. 

Cabinet Decisions - Meetings of 8th, 15th and 22nd March, 2023

Thursday, 20 April 2023 - 2:39pm


8th, 15th and 22nd March, 2023


Statement By Chief Immigration Officer On The Arrest Of Immigration Officer

Thursday, 20 April 2023 - 11:04am

In alignment with our mandate, the Immigration Department prides itself with serving the people of the Virgin Islands with dignity and respect, while upholding our reputation to effectively secure the Territory’s borders by guarding against illegal migration, smuggling, and human trafficking. 

Governor Press Statement on Immigration and Passport (Validation) Act

Wednesday, 19 April 2023 - 4:23pm

Today I assented to the Immigration and Passport (Validation) Act, 2023 and the Immigration and Passport (Amendment) Act, 2023. This legislation, which was passed by the House of Assembly on Monday, validates the Residency and Belonger status of individuals following the concerns raised in the recent Audit Report and Addendum on the Fast Track Residency and Belonger Status Programme.

Statement by Governor Rankin and Audit Report on Fast Track Programme B34

Wednesday, 19 April 2023 - 9:29am

As people in the BVI are aware, the House of Assembly convened yesterday following the findings of the Audit Report and Addendum on the Fast Track Residency and Belongership Programme.

Statement by Premier Wheatley on the Recall of the House of Assembly

Friday, 14 April 2023 - 7:27pm

Democracy is a sacred trust. We all have a responsibility to protect and uphold democracy. It provides the legitimacy on which Government rests.

Statement by Governor John Rankin on the Audit of the Residency and Belonger Status

Friday, 14 April 2023 - 7:00pm

After consultation with the Premier and further to discussions yesterday in Cabinet, I wish to inform you that I intend to exercise my power under Section 85 of the Constitution to recall the House of Assembly.

Press Statement of Election Observers

Friday, 14 April 2023 - 10:46am

In consultation with the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition, I have invited the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association to observe the upcoming General Election on 24 April. The CPA team will be in the BVI from 17-27 April. This will be the fourth election in the BVI that the CPA have observed since 2011.
