E.g., 27 Jul 2024
E.g., 27 Jul 2024

Premier Optimistic About The Future Of The BVI

Friday, 1 December 2017 - 12:55pm

My Lords, Excellences, ladies and gentleman, 

Good evening.

It is always a pleasure to meet and greet you here at BVI House, even under the most difficult of circumstances.

Statement On Emergency Shelters

Wednesday, 29 November 2017 - 2:12pm

The Government of the British Virgin Islands was faced with accommodating close to 300 persons in emergency shelters following the devastation left as a result of the passage of Hurricane Irma, followed by the impact of Hurricane Maria two weeks later. 

Premier's Statement at UN High Level Pledging Conference

Wednesday, 22 November 2017 - 8:39am

As you just saw in the video clip, in a span of just six weeks the combined impact of a tropical wave, Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria devastated the BVI. I will say a little more about this shortly

Minister Walwyn: "As conversations are had and stories told, our rich heritage will unfold."

Monday, 20 November 2017 - 3:23pm

Good day, I am Myron V. Walwyn, Minister for Education and Culture and I extend warm greetings to everyone as we move forward with celebrating another Virgin Islands Culture and Heritage Week. 

Weekly Update By H.E. Governor Augustus Jaspert – Deactivation Of The National Emergency Operations Centre

Friday, 17 November 2017 - 1:25pm

People of the Virgin Islands, I come to you with the final of my weekly schedule of updates following Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Anwsers To Questions Asked By The Third District Representative To Minister For Communications And Works

Tuesday, 14 November 2017 - 3:14pm

The Member for the Third District to ask the Minister for Communications and Works the following questions:

Answers To Questions Asked By The First District Representative To Minister For Communications And Works

Tuesday, 14 November 2017 - 3:03pm

The Leader of the Opposition and Member for the First District to ask the Minister for Communications and Works the following question:

Update on Water Distribution Network

Tuesday, 14 November 2017 - 2:56pm

Madam Speaker, two days after Hurricane Irma struck the British Virgin Islands, the Ministry of Communications and Works engaged its Special Projects Unit to implement emergency protocols for the Water and Sewerage Department. 

Update on Electricity Restoration Efforts

Tuesday, 14 November 2017 - 2:46pm

Madam Speaker, as I present this Statement on The Restoration of Electricity in the Territory, I must begin by highly commending the team at the British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation BVIEC, for their efforts so far, which is nothing short of heroic.

BVI Financial Services

Monday, 13 November 2017 - 4:24pm

Madam Speaker, I am pleased to provide you with an update on financial services in this post Irma period.
