P.O. Box 142
Road Town, Tortola
Virgin Islands (British) VG1110
Land Unit: landregistration@gov.vg
Survey Unit: landandsurveydept@gov.vg
A cadastral service provided at the Land & Survey Department.
Step 1: Customer makes requests for digital information.
Step 2: The customer pays the required fees and collects the information.
2 Working Days
P.O. Box 142
Road Town, Tortola
Virgin Islands (British) VG1110
Land Unit: landregistration@gov.vg
Survey Unit: landandsurveydept@gov.vg
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cashier: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Land Unit: 1(284) 468 2017
Survey Unit: 1(284) 468-4321
Fax: 1(284) 468 3324 / 1(284) 468-4315