Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
P.O. Box 72 Wickham’s Cay 1
Road Town, Tortola
Virgin Islands (British) VG1110
Assessing students to determine any learning and any other challenges that they may have.
Step 1: Students are referred to the principals of the specific schools by the Educational Psychologist.
Step 2: The parents of the child would visit the Psychologist at the schedule appointed time.
Step 3: The Psychologist would then assess the student.
Step 4: A written report is submitted to the principal.
Step 5: Based on the findings, guildelines are set up and measures are put in place to assist the child
with learning where possible.
Step 6: Student is then monitored at intervals if necesssary.
Supporting Documents
- Referral from Principa or Teacher
- Any existing psychological evaluation reports from reputable body or individuals
Turn Around Time
3 weeks
Department Contact Information
Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Email Address:
Telephone: 1(284) 468-2151