Topic: Safety in Public Buildings | Posted By: aphillip
Wednesday, 4 May 2016 - 5:15pm
The Government of the Virgin Islands through the Facilities Management Unit has installed a temporary 250 ton Chiller Unit at the Central Administration Complex.
Topic: Passports, Nationality, and Visas | Posted By: kduncan
Tuesday, 3 May 2016 - 11:15am
Further to a recent press release on the problems of British Virgin Islanders entering the US Virgin Islands (USVI) on their Territory passports, the Office of the Governor and Civil Registry and Passport Office would like to confirm that the USVI and BVI visa waiver programme remains in place, as mandated.
The British Virgin Islands (BVI) was unanimously elected as one of the Vice Chairs of the Caribbean Development Cooperation Committee (CDCC), a permanent subsidiary body for of the United Nations’ (UN) Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
The Financial Services Implementation Unit (FSIU) commends the firm, Mourant Ozannes for its recent announcement of a Legal Scholarship Programme which will benefit BVIslanders.
Residents of Cane Garden Bay and Brewer’s Bay had an opportunity this week to learn more about four pilot projects which are designed to reduce flood damage, sedimentation and pollution of coastal waters and enhance coastal water quality and reef health in both communities.
The deadline for the application and nomination process for the Virgin Islands Climate Change Trust Fund Board of Trustees has been extended to May 16.