Press Release

Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
Release Date:
Wednesday, 20 May 2015 - 4:00pm

Virgin Islands’ residents were urged this week to visit museums and learn more about the Territory’s rich history in observance of International Museum Day. The day was observed on May 18, under the theme “Museums for a Sustainable Society.

The Ministry of Education and Culture marked the occasion with the hosting of open houses at four of the Territory’s museums.  Students from the various schools, including the sister islands, received guided tours of the Virgin Islands Maritime Museum at HLSCC, The Virgin Islands Folk Museum, the 1780 Lower Estate Sugar Works Museum and the Old Government House Museum.

  Minister for Education and Culture, Honourable Myron Walwyn said, “The 2015 observance of International Museum Day provides the perfect opportunity to educate our Territory’s future leaders on Virgin Islands’ history and culture.”

Director for the Department of Culture, Mrs. Luce Hodge-Smith encouraged everyone in the community to visit museums and learn about the Virgin Islands’ history and culture. 

 “Museums are very important institutions that help raise awareness and if you have not visited a museum before I am certain that one of the four museums that we have here in the Virgin Islands will spark your interest, and encourage you to want to visit more often,” she said.

Mrs. Hodge-Smith added that the department will release a documentary in June, featuring three local family businesses which have stood the test of time and have become living museums.  The businesses include that of the late Captain W. Warren Stoutt, the Chalwell’s of East End and the Callwood’s of Cane Garden Bay.

International Museum Day is organised by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), and is observed every year on May 18. This event has served to encourage persons worldwide to visit museums and learn more about the cultural significance they hold in societies since 1977.      

For more information on the Virgin Islands’ museums and the upcoming documentary for International Museum Day 2015, interested persons can contact the Department of Culture at telephone number 468-4379.

