Press Release

Ministry of Finance
Release Date:
Thursday, 16 January 2025 - 12:19pm

The Government of the Virgin Islands (hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”) invites tenders for the Parham Town to Long Swamp Sewerage Gravity Main Line, East End Tortola, British Virgin Islands (hereinafter referred to the “Works”).



The proposed works comprise of providing all plant, labour, equipment and materials and performing all operations in connection with the following:

  1. Excavation, trenching and backfilling works for sewerage gravity main line system
  2. Excavation, trenching and backfilling works for BVIEC underground conduits
  3. Installation of Employer supplied gravity main line of approximately 3280 linear feet
  4. Installation of Employer supplied force main pumping line of approximately 1540 linear feet.
  5. Construction of pump station at Parham Town including valve chamber, wet well; pipe and fittings; control room and ancillary support.
  6. Construction of pump station at James Young including valve chamber, wet well; pipe and fittings; control room and ancillary support.
  7. Road reinstatement works with concrete base layer to excavated areas.
  8. Facilitating works for all utilities as necessary

at East End, Tortola, British Virgin Islands in accordance with the drawings and specifications.


Tenderers are required to furnish the following:

  1. A completed Form of Tender in accordance with Section 3. This form must be completed without alteration to its wording or format, and no substitutes shall be accepted except for the one provided;
  2. Priced Bill of Quantities in accordance with Section 5;
  3. A list of projects undertaken by the Tenderer within the past ten (10) years that demonstrate the Tenderer’s experience in delivering similar projects in the form included in Section 6;
  4. A list of Current Contract Commitments/Works in Progress form included in Section 7;
  5. An Organizational Chart showing management structure including contact details of the key members of the organization that are to be involved with this tender, including the proposed project manager and contractor’s representative (on site);
  6. A detailed Work Programme and Method Statement showing the order in which the various sections of works are to be executed, the rates of progress;
  7. Tenderers will be required to provide proof that the company or individual is in good standing with respect to taxes, duties, social security and national health insurance contributions, company registration, or payments due to the Government of the Virgin Islands.  Certificates of Good Standing must be obtained from the Director of Social Security Board and National Health Insurance, and the Commissioner of Inland Revenue;
  8. Tenderers registered as companies in the British Virgin Islands are required to submit a Certificate of Good Standing from the Commercial Registry and a Certificate of Incorporation;
  9. A valid Trade License (valid for 2025) for the specific type of work detailed in the tender document;
  10. Companies not registered or operating in the British Virgin Islands are required to provide a valid business license or equivalency as proof of authorization to operate a business in the area of the required expertise I its jurisdiction of operation;
  11. Any other materials required to be completed and submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers embodied in these Tender Documents. The Forms, and Bill of Quantities provided in these Tender Document shall be used without exception.

Failure on the part of tenderers to enclose the supporting documentation indicated above with each respective tender will render the tender non-responsive on the date of the opening of tenders.


Bid documents will be available from Friday, 15th January 2025, on weekdays between 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Bidding documents will be sent to tenderers electronically upon request to with the subject title “Parham Town to Long Swamp Sewerage Gravity Main Line Tenderers are advised that the destination mailbox is NOT automated to send tenderers a dated and time acknowledgement of receipt and delivery of their message. Therefore, tenderers should not assume that their email has been safely received and it is the responsibility of the tenderer to follow up with the Procurement Coordinator using the contract information below if an acknowledgement of receipt is not received within two (2) working days of submission of their email. Under no circumstance will GOVI or the Procurement Unit, Ministry of Finance, will be responsible for non-receipt of documents by tenderer.

Address for Correspondence Only

Ag. Procurement Coordinator

Ministry of Finance

Procurement Unit

RFG Place, 2nd Floor

Waterfront Drive

Road Town, Tortola


British Virgin Islands


Tel: (284) 468-4243/5921



A virtual pre-tender meeting is scheduled for  Thursday, 30th January, 2025 at 10:00 am local time. All prospective tenderers will be notified of the access code and password prior to the meeting.  This will be followed by a site visit.  All prospective tenderers are invited to attend.


Interested tenderers should submit one (1) original and three (3) copies plus one (1) flash drive containing the tenderer’s documents. The original bid should be placed in a sealed envelope and marked “ORIGINAL” and the additional copies placed in another sealed envelope and marked “COPIES”. Both envelopes should then be placed in an outer envelope and marked “Parham Town to Long Swamp Sewerage Gravity Main Line” and addressed to:

The Chairman

Central Tenders Board

Ministry of Finance

Procurement Unit

RFG Place, 2nd Floor

Waterfront Drive

Road Town, Tortola

Virgin Islands, VG1110

All tenders must be deposited in the “Tender Box” at the Ministry of Finance (Procurement Unit), RFG Place, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, by the bearer not later than 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 25th February, 2025. Tenders will not be received after the “Tender Box” is closed.

Tenders will be opened at the Procurement Unit, Ministry of Finance, RFG Place at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, 25th February, 2025. Tenderers are invited to witness this process via “WebEx”. Tenderers will be provided with the access code and password prior to the opening of the bids.

The Government of the Virgin Islands does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender and will not defray any costs incurred by the Tenderer.

Ministry of Finance

Procurement Unit

RFG Place

Road Town, Tortola

Virgin Islands

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