Press Release

Governor's Group
Office of the Deputy Governor
Good Governance
Release Date:
Monday, 24 March 2025 - 3:28pm

The Office of the Deputy Governor has completed the public consultation process for the Human Rights Commission Bill, 2025.

The ten (10) week process included an extensive territory-wide communication effort aimed at informing the public on the various provisions of the proposed Bill and receiving feedback that would inform any further changes.

Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Sharleen DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE said that the process yielded impressive results and thanked the public for its participation.

Mrs. DaBreo-Lettsome said, “From inception, the public has engaged with us at every step, providing valuable feedback that will help to shape the future of the Human Rights Commission Bill. The comments received were impactful and eye opening, they allow us to view the provisions of the Bill from the perspective of those who will be utilising it, thus gaining a stronger understanding of their positions.”

The Human Rights Commission Bill seeks to establish an independent commission to receive and investigate complaints for the violation of Human Rights, advise the Attorney General on legislation that may infringe on Human Rights and provide education on human rights throughout the Territory.

The proposed legislation outlines that the commission will consist of five (5) commissioners, with one being a resident of a Sister Island.

Following the conclusion of the public consultation, the Office of the Deputy Governor will begin work on reviewing all comments and concerns received to analyse possible areas for inclusion in the next version of the Bill.

The public is invited to share final comments by March 31 using the anonymous submission option available on


Eusa Z. Adams

Assistant Information Officer
Deputy Governor's Office
Government of the Virgin Islands
Tel: 284.468.2219