Press Release

Department of Motor Vehicles
Release Date:
Tuesday, 12 April 2016 - 2:30pm

Individuals and businesses with multiple vehicles can now benefit from the Department of Motor Vehicles’ "Skip the Trip" service.

Commissioner, Mr. Kye Rymer said that the new service allows persons who have five or more vehicles, to be inspected and licenced at their premises. This initiative, he added, is a part of the department’s modernisation process and is expected to relieve customers, such as vehicle rental agencies, from the stress and hassle of driving numerous vehicles to the Pockwood Pond office.

Persons who are desirous of receiving this service are asked to schedule an appointment with the department, and should have internet available for officers to set up their devices. Persons are also being informed that only cheques are accepted for this service.

The department has changed the licence sticker and learner driver tests to better suit the needs of the modern consumer. Licence stickers are now synchronised with the expiration date of the insurance policy to ensure that customers receive the full benefit of their coverage. In addition, learner drivers are now allowed to use rear view mirrors and indicators for road and cone testing.

For more information about these services, please contact the Department of Motor Vehicles at 468-4048.