Photo and Caption

Office of the Deputy Governor
Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court
The Courts
Release Date:
Monday, 17 July 2017 - 5:01pm

Second and third place recipients in the regional 50th Anniversary Essay Competition for the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court along with the second place recipient in the Poster Competition, are pictured with Her Ladyship, the Honourable Dame Janice M. Pereira, DBE, Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (seated centre) and flanked by Court of Appeal and Resident Judges.

In category one of the essay competition, Ms. Giselle Bowers of Cedar International High School, (represented by her brother Joseph Bowers in the photo) finished third, while Ms. Dominique de Castro also from Cedar International High School won second place.  St. Lucia copped the top prize.

Category 2 in the poster competition saw Alyssa Joseph representing the Bregado Flax Educational Centre Primary Division and finishing second.

Competition theme was, "The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court: Celebrating the Past; Embracing The Future.”

The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court continues its 50th Anniversary celebrations.

(Photo Credit/Franklyn Skerritt)


Colene A. Penn

Head of Communications
Recovery and Development Agency
Tel: +1 (284) 345-2776 | Mobile: +1 (284) 345-3387