Press Release

Governor's Group
Office of the Governor
Office of the Deputy Governor
Good Governance
Release Date:
Monday, 9 September 2024 - 3:26pm

Thirty-Six (36) individuals are now registered as British Citizens after having been previously Naturalised as British Overseas Territories Citizens.

At a ceremony held at the Government House on Tuesday, August 27, the individuals recited the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty the King, as well as the Pledge of Loyalty to the United Kingdom.

The new citizens also received congratulatory remarks from His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Daniel Pruce and Registrar General, Mrs. Tashi O’Flaherty-Maduro.

Governor Pruce said, “Today you have taken a significant step. Along with receiving your certificates of citizenship you have just taken the Oath of Allegiance to His Majesty the King and the Pledge of Loyalty to the United Kingdom. The oath and the pledge are not just words. They are a formal promise that you have made as you embrace your new nationality.”

Governor Pruce added, “As an overseas Territory and part of the realm of His Majesty, the Virgin Islands has precious links with the United Kingdom. The success that both the Virgin Islands and United Kingdom enjoy in the global economy is founded upon many shared factors, including our common law legal systems and our respect for the rule of law. But our connections go much further than that throughout history, through our people and through our culture.”

Meanwhile, Registrar General Mrs. O’Flaherty-Maduro said that being a British citizen means being part of a nation with a rich history, a diverse culture, and a strong set of values. 

Mrs. O’Flaherty-Maduro said, “The United Kingdom is a country that values democracy, freedom and respect for all people, regardless of their background.  As new citizens, you now have the responsibility of upholding these values and contributing to the ongoing legacy of this great nation.”

 Mrs. O’Flaherty-Maduro further added, “I encourage you to take pride in your new status, but also to remember that citizenship is more than just the rights it confers; it is about responsibilities.  It is about participating in your community, standing up for what is right, and helping to make the United Kingdom a better place for everyone.”

According to the British Nationality Act, individuals who are Naturalised as British Overseas Territory Citizens after May 21, 2002, can apply to the United Kingdom Government to be registered as British Citizens.

The new British Citizens are:

Carol Betty-Ann Calliste Alexander

Marie Popo Andrew

Oneal Bevon John Bakker

Gershon Malachi Bowens

Greisy Desairis Ortiz Claxton

Collis Marjorie Denton

Laura Agnes Dore

Nigel Urban Felix

Verneilia Vania Fontaine

Eva Lynn Smart-George

Camiane St Albourne Grange

Diana Bernadette Gregg

Andrea Dianne Corbin-Hodge

Steadroy Anthony Holder

Doian Dwight Kettle

Mya-Ashlee Ikeidra Locker

Kertson Marquis

Gardia Myrtle McDowell McDonald

Kimone Kaynell Mills

Sherry Amanda Moses

Phoebe Dawn Sharon Murrell

Frank Soobreyan Nagapen

Jahmal Anthony Osborne

Christianne Robalinho Senra Pecanha

Veronica Dawkins-Perry

Reanell Antoinette Jones-Phipps

Ruth Elisha Quincy Phillip

Donsiya Kimisha Tishorn Mercury-Pickering

Ephriam Livinston Jr Pollack

Carly Angelique Ramchandran

Jeneline Elizabeth Richardson

Simon Robin

Junior Kadafi Samuel

Jacqueline Fiona Scott-Simmons

Himwant Seenarine

Alphonso Ricardo Warner


Eusa Z. Adams

Assistant Information Officer
Deputy Governor's Office
Government of the Virgin Islands
Tel: 284.468.2219