Over 250 Copies Of The Irma Diaries Donated To Schools

Tuesday, 13 November 2018 - 5:13pm

Local author Ms. Angela Burnette has donated over 250 copies of her book ‘The Irma Diaries’ to schools across the Territory as part of her ‘Read to Heal School Programme’.

The Irma Diaries’ Author In Europe Advocating On Climate Change

Friday, 21 September 2018 - 3:20pm

Local Climate Change Officer and Author of The Irma Diaries, Ms. Angela Burnett is in Europe using her book as a platform to make presentations on climate change.


Human Chain “Shows We Are On Our Way, We Are United”

Monday, 10 September 2018 - 5:20pm

Scores of persons from various organisations in the BVI joined hands at Long Bay Beach, Beef Island on Saturday September 8 to form a human chain spelling “One BVI” in observance of the first anniversary of Hurricane Irma.

Human Chain To Observe Irma’s Anniversary

Wednesday, 5 September 2018 - 5:28pm

A human chain will be formed at Long Bay Beach, Beef Island this Saturday, September 8 in observation of the 1st anniversary of the passage of Hurricane Irma.

Climate Change: A Contributor To Josiah’s Bay Fish Kill

Tuesday, 14 August 2018 - 11:49am

Officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour continue to investigate the cause of a fish kill that occurred at Josiah’s Bay Pond.

Honourable Pickering Attends OECS Meeting On Environment

Tuesday, 17 July 2018 - 4:09pm

Deputy Premier and Minister of Natural Resources and Labour, Dr. the Honourable Kedrick Pickering attended the 5th Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States’ (OECS) Council of Ministers of Environment and Sustainability meeting held in Montserrat on July 11.

Deputy Premier Selected At Pre-JMC To Represent OTs At UN Climate Talks

Thursday, 14 June 2018 - 6:32pm

Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour, Dr. the Honourable Kedrick Pickering has been selected to represent the Overseas Territories (OTs) at the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will take place in December 2018.

Brewers Bay Drainage Project Resumes

Friday, 6 April 2018 - 3:27pm

The Brewers Bay Road Drainage Improvement Project resumes following delays brought on by the August flood and hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Flood-Resilient Smart Communities To Receive Financing

Tuesday, 6 February 2018 - 4:41pm

The Government of the British Virgin Islands has received financing from the Community Disaster Risk Reduction Fund towards the cost of implementing and establishing Flood-Resilient SMART Communities. 

BVI Seeks UN Support On Climate Resilient Transportation Infrastructure

Wednesday, 13 December 2017 - 3:41pm

The British Virgin Islands has sought United Nations (UN) support for the climate resilience of its airports and seaports at a regional workshop in Bridgetown, Barbados.
