Topic: Health and Safety, Public School, Safety in Public Buildings | Posted By: DSmith
Friday, 17 June 2022 - 2:06pm
On Thursday, 16th June, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, and Sports received a report documenting a recent inspection of the Althea Scatliffe Primary School.
His Excellency, the Governor John J. Rankin, CMG, chaired the Meeting held at the Financial Services Commission's Conference Room on 8th June, 2022.
All Members were present.
Topic: Ministry of Health, Novel Coronavirus, Public Health | Posted By: DSmith
Monday, 13 June 2022 - 5:49pm
On Wednesday the 8th of June 2022, Cabinet was briefed by the Health Emergency Operations Centre on the current COVID-19 situation in the Virgin Islands. We were very encouraged by the continuing trend towards milder COVID-19 infections, fewer cases of severe disease, and reduced hospital admissions.
Today marks another important step in our efforts to reform and renew our democracy and to build a better Virgin Islands.
Following the visit to the Territory in early May by UK Minister for the Overseas Territories (OTs) Rt. Hon. Amanda Milling, MP, my Administration has had very constructive discussions with Governor Rankin and UK Government officials on the Commission of Inquiry Report (COI Report) recommendations and other reforms, with a view to what is in the best interest of the people of the Territory.
Topic: Good Governance, H.M. the Queen | Posted By: lstevens
Wednesday, 8 June 2022 - 10:40am
Good Morning, As people in the BVI are already aware, the Commission of Inquiry Report which was published on 29 April identified significant failures of governance, including evidence of corruption, abuse of office, and serious impropriety in public office. To address these failures it is clear that fundamental changes are required.
Topic: Food and Food Security | Posted By: lstevens
Tuesday, 7 June 2022 - 2:36pm
Warm greetings to everyone on the occasion of World Food Safety Day, which is celebrated every year on June 7th.
World Food Safety Day presents an opportunity to highlight the importance of being more conscious of what we eat - in order to prevent, detect, and manage foodborne illnesses, and achieve better health.
A pleasant good morning. I speak to you today on behalf of the Government of National Unity to share our plans to hold a series of public meetings on government reform, as well as begin dialogue on other matters of public interest.
Though we may not welcome it, the Atlantic Hurricane Season is once again upon us. This means that as happens every year between the 1st of June and the 30th of November, we and the rest of the Caribbean are at an increased risk for storms and hurricanes.