Topic: National and Marine Parks | Posted By: aphillip
Monday, 12 August 2019 - 12:35pm
Statement by Honourable Vincent Wheatley, Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration
uring the Sixth Sitting of the First Session of the Fourth House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands on Projects
Mister Speaker, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration continues its unwavering efforts to ensure that the young people of this Territory are afforded the opportunity to own a piece of land to build their home. Land ownership engenders a sense of pride and accomplishment and we want to do our best to get the young people of this Territory on the part of wealth creation and building a legacy for future generations.
Topic: Culture, The Public Service | Posted By: aphillip
Friday, 2 August 2019 - 4:51pm
Good day to all, the time has come again for us to pause from our busy undertakings and join in the 2019 Emancipation celebrations. This is the time of year that we celebrate BVI ancestral freedom from slavery and reflect on their journey, resiliency and triumphs, and also to celebrate our cultural history.
Topic: City Management, Water and Sewerage | Posted By: lstevens
Wednesday, 31 July 2019 - 10:34am
Mister Speaker, I thank you for this opportunity to provide updates to this Honourable House on the progress of my ministerial portfolio on a few areas.
Topic: Culture, Festival and Fairs | Posted By: lstevens
Tuesday, 23 July 2019 - 4:59pm
Mister Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to update the people of the Virgin Islands on the plans for our emancipation festival activities, which are progressing well.
Mr. Speaker I thank you for opportunity to address the people of the Virgin Islands. Allow me to update the public on the state of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Topic: Education, Sports and Recreation | Posted By: lstevens
Tuesday, 23 July 2019 - 4:16pm
Mr. Speaker, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Sports, Agriculture and Fisheries, is at the threshold of reopening a number of schools that were under construction since the 2017 hurricanes.
Just about seven weeks ago, the House of Assembly passed the Immigration and Passports (Amendment) Act 2019, clearing the way for the commencement of the first phase of government’s programme to reform the laws, policies and systems that regulate immigration and labour in the Virgin Islands.
His Excellency the Governor Augustus Jaspert chaired the Meeting held on 10th July, 2019, which was held at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.