Following the decision by Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool to take the Speaker of the Virgin Islands’ House of Assembly to court over the Speaker’s decision to accept his resignation letter of 5th March, 2019, the Government of the Virgin Islands, through the House of Assembly retained the local law firm of Veritas Law.
His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert chaired the Meetings held on the 3rd and 17th April, 2019 at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.
Saturday April 20th marks the beginning of vaccination week. The Ministry of Health and Social Development together with the BVI Health Services Authority joins the Americas and other Caribbean countries and territories in celebration of the 17th anniversary of vaccination week in the Americas!
Topic: Budget Estimates, Finance and Fiscal Policy, The Public Service | Posted By: lstevens
Wednesday, 3 April 2019 - 10:21am
Mr. Speaker, I move that the Bill shortly entitled the Appropriation Act, 2019 be read a second time and, in so doing, I invite this Honourable House to extend its customary indulgence in permitting me to deliver the 2019 Budget Address.
His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert chaired the Special Meeting held on 21st March, 2019 at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.
All Members were present.