Madame Speaker, I am grateful to God and to the people of this Territory for giving me the opportunity to deliver the first Budget Address in the new term of this Administration.
Madam Speaker, as the Minister responsible for Sea Ports in the Territory, it is with great pride and joy, that I give this Honourable House, a Report on the Cruise Pier Marine and Landside Development, to date.
Madame Speaker, I rise to update this Honourable House and the Citizens of this Territory on the proposed development of the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport.
Topic: Climate Change, Coastal Zone Management | Posted By: aphillip
Monday, 25 January 2016 - 12:00pm
Madam speaker, I rise to inform the House about an exciting and important project led by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour that is now underway in Cane Garden Bay and Brewers Bay titled the North Shore Integrated Coastal and Watershed Stabilisation Project. This project is one that will help to ensure the economic value of these two communities, safeguard life and property and maintain the social fabric of the citizens and the wider BVI community.
Topic: Alternative Energy, Statutory Bodies, Tourism | Posted By: aphillip
Tuesday, 19 January 2016 - 1:15pm
Honourable Premier and Minister of Finance and Tourism, Dr. D. Orlando Smith, OBE, Deputy Premier Dr. the Hon. Kedrick Pickering, other Ministers of Government, including our junior Ministers for Tourism and Trade and Investment, members of the private sector and the team from BVI Airways and the press, good morning and welcome. As a habit, as Chairman of the BVI Tourist Board, I rarely speak on a tourism matter after the Hon Premier and Minister of Tourism, after all, when he speaks our role at the Board is to move to implementation.