E.g., 14 Feb 2025
E.g., 14 Feb 2025

Statement By Premier And Minister Of Finance Dr. The Honourable D. Orlando Smith, OBE On Help From Puerto Rico And The Recent Shooting Death

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 - 4:16pm

Good afternoon members of the Press. I would like to update you on two matters:

First being that last night, I attended a reception in Puerto Rico for the Puerto Ricans who did so much to help us.

Governor's Statement On Homicide Of February 27

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 - 10:38am

"I was devastated to hear that another young life has been taken in a senseless act last night."


Message By Premier And Minister Of Finance Dr. The Honourable D. Orlando Smith, OBE On Security

Tuesday, 27 February 2018 - 5:37pm

The first responsibility of any Government is to protect its citizens, and provide a safe place for its children, families and residents to live, work and visit.

Message By His Excellency The Governor Augustus Jaspert On Security

Tuesday, 27 February 2018 - 5:00pm

When I first arrived in these islands, I was struck by the sheer natural beauty, engaging people and the peace and tranquility that have given these islands the name of Nature’s Little Secrets.  While the Virgin Islands are of course well known in business, international finance and tourism across the world, what struck me also were the stories of how people felt safe here; and how important that is.  A sense of calm and safety to walk in the early and late mornings, have family outings and some who even slept with windows and doors ajar to take in natural breezes.

Statement By Governor Augustus Jaspert On Security Of The Territory

Friday, 23 February 2018 - 2:55pm

The security of the territory is a critical part of its recovery and is something I take very seriously. I am in regular contact with the Commissioner of Police on security matters and this week convened a meeting of all of the agencies involved in this area. 

Premier's Update On The Recovery Of The Virgin Islands

Thursday, 22 February 2018 - 8:27pm

My fellow residents of the Virgin Islands, we have just passed the five month marker of the catastrophic hurricanes Irma and Maria and I thought it important that we update ourselves as to where we are with our recovery process and offer hope and encouragement for a stronger, more resilient and brighter future.  I also take this opportunity to clear the air on significant misinformation about the role of your Government during this challenging period.

Message By Premier And Minister Of Finance Dr. The Honourable D. Orlando Smith, OBE On The Transformation Of The Public Service

Monday, 19 February 2018 - 10:00am

Greetings public officers, ladies and gentlemen I address you now, at this point in our Territory’s recovery with a hopeful attitude to speak on plans for the transformation of the Public Service.

Message By His Excellency The Governor Mr. Augustus Jaspert On The Transformation Of The Public Service

Monday, 19 February 2018 - 9:01am

Public Officers, ladies and gentlemen, you recently received communication from the Deputy Governor about an exciting opportunity we have to shape the future of the Public Service.  Allow me a few minutes of your time to briefly speak to you about this opportunity and why your input into the future of the Public Service is critical at this time.

Statement by Honourable D. Orlando Smith on Immigration

Friday, 16 February 2018 - 4:57pm

Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to address an important issue—Immigration.

Statement By His Excellency The Governor Mr Augustus Jaspert On The Re-Establishment Of The Judiciary

Friday, 16 February 2018 - 4:13pm

As with so many areas in our Territory, Hurricanes Irma and Maria had a significant impact on the judicial system of the Virgin Islands, leaving all of the key properties required for the effective functioning of the system extensively damaged.
