Mr. David Archer has been designated by Her Majesty the Queen to act in the Office of Deputy Governor from 2 June until 31 July. He was sworn in on Monday, June 27 by His Excellency the Governor Mr. John S. Duncan, OBE.
The Office of Gender Affairs in the British Virgin Islands has shared its expertise on gender affairs with the Turks and Caicos following a two-week attachment of the Director of Gender of Turks and Caicos, Mrs. Carolyn Dickenson.
Minister for Education and Culture, Honourable Myron V. Walwyn has highlighted the benefits of implementing the additional school year, or 12th Grade in the Territory’s public schools.
Hundreds of public officers gathered at the Multipurpose Sports Complex to witness the launch of the Public Service of the Virgin Islands’ ‘One Government, One Identity, One Public Service’ campaign on Tuesday, June 21.
Officials representing the Government of the Virgin Islands have held successful meetings with High Commissioners from Ghana and South Africa on developing cooperation in a range of sectors.